
Jones. Incorporated.

... but not really

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Thursday, July 06, 2006

macBook pro

Song of the post: "Silver Bullet" by Hawthorn Heights
*insert emo joke about Hawthorn Heights here*

So it's finally happening. I'll be getting the a macBook pro after working so hard to sell the idea to my parents.

Specs? you ask. Specs. you get.
- 2.0 ghz dual core processor coutesy of intel.
- 256mb vram, ati x1600 graphics gpu
- 1024mb (1gig) ram, 2x512.
- 15.4" tft display, non-glossy.
- iSight built in mic, iLife, Mac OS X.

Bootcamp to be installed.

Mmmmhm. I'm excited for it too.

- Enjoy yourself.

- Jones posted this bad boy on 11:49 AM

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