Jones. Incorporated.
... but not really
| Gone | "The Road to PHP" | a good start | a good start | Learning/ | macBook pro | Still workin away | forgot to give a title for this one. here it is. | New template | 500ghz FTW | Current
Friday, July 21, 2006
Jones is back from his vacation of farmwork.
And the macBook pro has arrived. I'm posting this from a blogger widget on the dashboard. mmmmmhm. Anyways, jonesinc will be moving soon. For PHP is the new frontier....
man i'm a nerd. Maybe i should call this blog "Jones Inc. - Memoirs of a true geek"
It's a possibility. That's basically what it is...
The new blog would include... everything. Into one blog. There would be a picture beside each post title and date, which would basically be JonesPhoto, but don't expect a photo for every single post... It might just be something relevant to the post... that'd take some mad php though. So maybe later. I guess for now i'll just focus on figuring the basics out :P
So there you have it.
Jones is back.
- Enjoy yourself.
- Jones posted this bad boy on 8:42 AM
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